update: Thanks to Elio Qoshi, our engaged designer, who updated our logo in the meantime to be more balanced and modern. You can see the newest version on top of this blogpost.
Fortunately, in the meantime we are happy that Elio Qoshi, an experienced designer for different Free Software projects, designed a logo for the summit as well as a first slide to use for social media. Even more we are happy that he will go on doing more designs for the FSFE summit in the upcoming weeks.
This blogpost shall shed some light on the PR and media we used so far for the FSFEsummit and (partly) keep on using. In the corner on top right you see the logo by Elio Qoshi that we use since mid of May and that we will keep using. Obviously, it is inspired by the FSFE logo and therewith makes a perfect fit for all upcoming publications for the FSFE summit.
Next is the initial slide by Elio Qoshi, CC-BY-SA 4.0
The quote on this slide is taken out of the introduction for the Call for Participation, which in turn has been established as resource number one for all written communication in the last weeks:
Imagine a European Union that builds its IT infrastructure on Free Software. Imagine European Member States that exchange information in Open Standards and share their software. Imagine municipalities and city councils that benefit from decentralized and collaborative software under free licenses. Imagine no European is any longer forced to use non-Free Software.
The Hashtag we use is: #FSFEsummit
Below here you find more material and pictures in chronological order, that I came up with my not-existing design talents : )

License: CC0
Based on original source by geralt

License: CC0
Based on original source by unsplash

License: CC-BY-SA 2.0
Based on original source by Eva Rinaldi

License: CC0
Based on own work

License: CC0
Based on original source by blickpixel