This year, the assembly of the Free Software Foundation Europe will be integral part of the Cluster Rights & Freedoms. The cluster is formed together with our friends and other civil society organizations. During 4 days the FSFE will offer a public space for and by our members, friends and supporters to discuss, meet, hack and organise. Find an overview of our sessions and other specialties in this blog post. Always find the latest updates on our dedicated FSFE-assembly-page. Let’s put the hacking back into politics!
The Congress Center Leipzig is huge! You will find our assembly in the Cluster Rights & Freedoms. The cluster itself is filling Saal 3 / Hall 3, which is split half/half into the stage area and the assembly area. You find the FSFE assembly in the assembly area.
On the right side you see a supervision of the cluster with the stage on top and the fsfe-assembly on bottom-left.
Saal 3 / Hall 3 is in the CCL-building, which is the “small” building on top-left in this graphic. In a side view, Saal 3 is on top right of the CCL-building.
Our sessions:
Please note that all sessions will happen on the stage in the Rights&Freedoms-Cluster in Saal 3 in the CCL-building (see above to find the location), except the Free Software song sing-along-sessions that will happen directly at the FSFE assembly and the workshops that happen in dedicated workshop-rooms.
Do not forget to check the the 34C3-wiki page for details and the latest updates!
Day 1: Wednesday 27
- 14:00 Newpipe by Chris Schabesberger
- 17:00 Design in Free Software & Open Source by Dina Michl & Victoria Bondarchuk
- 18:00 PEP with Thunderbird by the PEP Foundation
- 19:00 Jabber/XMPP: past, present and future by Daniel Gultsch
- 20:00 Social networking, powered by Free Sofware by Tobias Diekershoff
- 21:00 The many applications of digital certificates by Thomas Ruddy
- 22:00 Free Software song sing-along session at the FSFE assembly
Day 2: Thursday 28
- 14:00 Privacy aware city navigation with Free Software by Redon Skikuli
- 17:30 Free Software song sing-along session at the FSFE assembly
- 18:00 Hacking with wget by Hanno Böck
- 20:00 A public identity infrastructure to defend the open Internet by Vittorio Bertolo
Day 3: Friday 29
- 13:30 Free Software song sing-along session at the FSFE assembly
- 14:00 (workshop) Replicant Install Fest in Lecture Room 12
- 14:00 (workshop) Join us now – a choir to perform the Free Software song in Seminar room 13
- 16:00 Fixing mass surveillance: one court case at a time! by Exegetes
- 19:00 Public money? Public Code! by Polina Malaja & Katharina Nocun
Free Software Song choir and sing-along sessions
Everyday at the FSFE village, we will run a Free Software Song sing-along-session. In addition, Benjamin Wand runs a project to bring together a choir who performs the Free Software Song on stage. You can read additional details and background about it in a previous blogpost and see its first ever performance during SHA2017.

The ultimate Free Software challenge
More or less anytime you can come to our assembly and try the ultimate Free Software challenge that will let you dig deep into the history of Free Software, so deep that you might reach the big-bang-moment of Free Software. Be prepared for an inspiring and challenging journey and bring some friends (or any randomly allocated companionship) to pass it together.
After all, the most we look forward to is to meet you and have a good time together and an exciting knowledge exchange!