In December 2017, the Chaos Communication Congress moved for the first time onto the Messegelände Leipzig. The FSFE came along and as in recent years, our assembly attracted a lot of visitors. Together with EDRi, for the first time we have been setting up a cluster called “Rights & Freedoms” with our own stage for multiple sessions. Although there have been some organisational issues, this Cluster was a big success and during three days, it has been visited by thousands of people.
I am happy to see the FSFE assembly again growing every year and having the possibility to bring our message of Software Freedom to the people at the Chaos Communication Congress. The CCC is Germany’s biggest annual meetup of hackers and political activists and is “considered one of the largest events of this kind, alongside the DEF CON in Las Vegas” (wikipedia).
This year, the assembly of the Free Software Foundation Europe will be integral part of the Cluster Rights & Freedoms. The cluster is formed together with our friends and other civil society organizations. During 4 days the FSFE will offer a public space for and by our members, friends and supporters to discuss, meet, hack and organise. Find an overview of our sessions and other specialties in this blog post. Always find the latest updates on our dedicated FSFE-assembly-page. Let’s put the hacking back into politics!
Location of the FSFE Assembly during 34C3 in Saal3 in the CCL.
The Congress Center Leipzig is huge! You will find our assembly in the Cluster Rights & Freedoms. The cluster itself is filling Saal 3 / Hall 3, which is split half/half into the stage area and the assembly area. You find the FSFE assembly in the assembly area.
On the right side you see a supervision of the cluster with the stage on top and the fsfe-assembly on bottom-left.
Saal 3 / Hall 3 is in the CCL-building, which is the “small” building on top-left in this graphic. In a side view, Saal 3 is on top right of the CCL-building.
Our sessions:
Please note that all sessions will happen on the stage in the Rights&Freedoms-Cluster in Saal 3 in the CCL-building (see above to find the location), except the Free Software song sing-along-sessions that will happen directly at the FSFE assembly and the workshops that happen in dedicated workshop-rooms.
From December 27 to 30, there will be the 34th Chaos Communication Congress happening in Leipzig. As in recent years, the FSFE is happy to host an assembly that includes an information booth, self-organised sessions and a meeting point for all friends of Free Software to come together, share or simply relax. This is our call for participation.
Free Software song sing-along at the FSFE-assembly during 33C3
With the CCC moving from Hamburg to Leipzig, there are not only logistic changes to be done but also some organisational changes. We are still figuring out the details, but in the context of this call, one of the major changes will be the loss of free available rooms to book for self-organised sessions. Instead, assemblies that match with each other are asked to cluster around 1 of several stages and use that as a common stage for self-organized sessions together. To make the most of this situation, the FSFE will for the first time not join the Noisy Square this year but form a new neighbourhood with other freedom fighting NGOs – in particular with our friends from European Digital Rights. However, at this point of time, we do not yet have more information about the concrete or final arrangements.
Four weeks ago, the FSFE had the pleasure to set up a village at SHA2017, a non-profit hacker-camp in the Netherlands. During five days in our village, we offered a public space to discuss, meet, hack sing-along and find shelter. This blogpost is a rough summary of our activities with links and pictures.
We have been very happy with the big interest in the FSFE and our activities and we like to thank everybody who made this event possible. Our special thanks go out to all the angels for their priceless contributions, to our neighbours for their helping hands and to the organisation of SHA for offering us our own curated track with talks covering multiple aspects of Free Software.
To get more detailed information about our sessions, please check the FSFE village wiki-page. In the following, find a visual report along some pictures:
Benjamin Wand was so inspired by our sing-along-sessions during 33C3 to compose a full set of music notation for a choir to sing the Free Software song in four voices. At SHA we like to give it a try and start a project to bring together a choir who performs the Free Software song. We reach out to other assemblies to get a stage and a momentum for this. It’s a 2h workshop and a potential live act. This is your chance: Join us now and sing out your love for Free Software!
We are still preparing our village at SHA-camp to offer you an exciting and inspiring location, dipped into the mindset of Free Software. Our international team is always up for a short or a long talk and sharing knowledge. We will bring the latest promotion material and offer you the ultimate Free Software challenge.
On day 4, I will speak about How to make use of democratic elections for your own purpose. We also love to self-organize more sessions and reach out to other assemblies to make it happen. If you have some place for us or you are affiliated with the FSFE and like to give a talk/session, then contact us and we might be able to organise it.
In any case, it is worth to check our FSFE village page from time to time for updates.
Summary: A report of the FSFE assembly and activity during the 33rd edition of the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC), in short “33C3”. It is mainly a visual report along some pictures.
I am happy to see our assembly growing every year and having the possibility to bring our message of Software Freedom to the people at the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) is priceless. The CCC is Germany’s biggest annual meetup of hackers and political activists that share knowledge concerning the most burning issues in the Internet like data retention and data leeches, hatespeech, whistleblowing or space travel.
What started a few years ago with a single table, some leaflets, Dominic, Eike and me, now has grown into an assembly with 12 members and 21 sessions in three days. Being the host for likeminded organisations, host of noGame and offering workshops, workspace, get together, Free-Software-Song sing-along sessions …
Wie auf dem FSFE summit dieses Jahr vorgestellt, planen wir in etwa Mitte nächsten Jahres die Kampagne “Public Money – Public Code” zu starten. Wie Katharina Nocun auf dem Summit erklärt, steckt Im Kern der Kampagne die Forderung, dass mit öffentlichen Geldern finanzierte Software(-entwicklungen) wiederum der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
FSFE assembly during 32C3Every year, from December 27 to 30, there is the Chaos Communication Congress. And, as in recent years, FSFE is happy to host an assembly that includes an information booth, self-organised sessions and a meeting point for all friends of Free Software to come together, share or simply relax.
This is our call for participation. We are happy to organise sessions in the name of our assembly and we will book proper rooms or offer our assembly itself. Sessions can be inspiring talks, hands-on workshops, community/developer/strategy meetings or any other public, informative or collaborative activity.
Topics can be anything that is about or related to Free Software. We welcome technical sessions but we also encourage to give non-technical talks that address philosophical, economical or other aspects of/about Free Software. We also like sessions about related subjects that have a clear connection to Free Software for example privacy, data protection, sustainability and similar topics. Finally, we welcome all backgrounds – from your private project to global community projects.
You have something different in mind? For our friends, it is also possible to have informal meetings or activities at our assembly. In this case, get in contact with me and we figure it out.
Michał Woźniak hosts a session about Freedom in social networks during 32C3
If you are interested in hosting a session at the FSFE assembly, please apply no later than
* Sunday, November 20, 18:00 UTC *
by sending an email to me (eal at fsfe dot org) with the subject “Session at 33C3” and use the following template:
Title: name of your session Description: description of your session Type: talk / discussion / meeting / workshop … Tags: put useful tags here Link: (if there is a helpful link) Expected number of participants: 20 or less / up to 40 / up to 100 About yourself: some words about you/your biography
You will be informed latest on Wednesday, November 23, if your session is accepted.
Good to know
If your session is accepted we happily take care of its proper organisation, publicity and everything else that needs to be done. You are then welcome to simply come and give/host your session : )
But this is neither a guarantee for a ticket nor do we take care of your ticket! Check this CCC-announcement and get yourself a ticket in time. If you miss it, there is nothing we can do, even if we accepted your talk.
You do not need to be a Fellow of FSFE to host a session.
Please share this call with your friends or your favorite mailing list.
Spontaneous”Free your Android” session during 31C3
From December 27-30 2015, there will be the 32nd Chaos Communication Congress (32C3) in the Congress Center of Hamburg where FSFE is happy to host an “assembly”. Such assemblies are community organised spaces inside the congress and the FSFE assembly will offer an information booth, self-organised sessions as well as a sitting corner for all friends of Free Software to come together, meet or simply relax.
To foil the title of this years CCC (“Gated Communities”), we are delighted to offer our community some self-organised sessions at our assembly and we look forward to your contributions. Depending on your session they will either take place directly at our assembly or in a dedicated workshop room. These sessions can be hands-on workshops, inspiring talks, community or developer meetings or any other public activity.
Topics can be anything that is related to Free Software, from your private project to global communities. We welcome technical talks as well as we encourage to give non-technical talks to address philosophical, economical or other thoughts about Free Software. We also like sessions about related subjects with a clear connection to Free Software like privacy, data protection and alike.
If you are interested in hosting a session, please apply no later than * Sunday, November 22, 18:00 UTC *
by sending an email to me ( with the subject “Session at 32C3” including a short description and/or slides that you like to use so we have a rough idea what your session is about.
If your session is accepted we happily take care of its proper organisation, publicity and everything else that needs to be done. You are then welcome to simply come and give/host your session : )
BTW: You do not need to be a Fellow of FSFE to host a session. Please feel free to share this message with your friends or your favorite mailing list.